Mercurial Squiggles and Wriggles ~ 21 Sep 2021

Mercury today slithers virtually opposite Eris in Aries and simultaneously squares Pluto in Capricorn. As you probably have marked in indelible ink on your calendar, Mercury retrogrades on the 26 September, maintaining a tight orb with Eris and Pluto pretty from now until the first couple of days of October. The upcoming Mercury reversal concludes when they turn direct on 18 October, nearly concurrent with Jupiter’s station the same day, both heading prograde.

This Mercury to Pluto thing is not as bad as it might sound. Essentially, Mercury possessed a hall pass in and out of the underworld. Mercury often did the bidding of the celestial lords, particularly Jupiter and as such would be dispatched in and out of Pluto’s realm. Mercury and Pluto have an understanding: Be straight with each other and all will be well.

Take heed, Mercury retrograde in Libra... while the opinions and sensitivities of others evidently thwart impolite and unnecessary harsh communication, still it is necessary to say what you must and what must be said... despite the fact that these next weeks must be a no-trolling zone.

Of note, the Sun and Mars conjoin in Libra on 7 October no doubt inspiring hasty and hectic actions inspired by the mnemonic mercurial pressures of communicative priorities. Mercury aligns with the Sun, marking halfway through their retrograde on 9 October. At this point, they will be charged with sorting out the meaning behind any and all actions taken whose intentions were misunderstood or blown out of proportion in any way. Ruffled feathers, rattled nerves and bruised egos require assuaging on the verbal front.

While Mercury turns direct to mark the start of the third work week of October, the full impact of this turnabout cycle resolves when the shadow point is cleared about the 2nd of November, depending upon the time zone of occupancy, the whole enchilada of this fiesta can be celebrated and digested on 1 November as Mercury again opposes Eris and squares Pluto. What a shebang, right?

The set up of this slightly more than month-long cosmic turn of the screw starts today. And the crux of the sequence solidifies as the Sun and Mars align, and then Mercury convenes with the Sun to discuss how the cow eats the cabbage and to tell stories out of class about cruxes. This turning and burning concludes let’s say when the Halloween candy loses its appeal and the need to commence ordering holiday stuff becomes the priority as November tops the calendar.

Since Mercury rules threes... because they must circumnavigate the Sun three times for every inch of their surface to receive the illumination of the Sun, and thus the conscious awareness... how about three bullet point tips for each of these transits?

Mercury square Pluto (today)

Dive as deep as possible with your search for insight and meaning. Deeper is better.

Understand the reasons behind motive and intention. Those reasons and rationales of others and more important, yours.

Tell yourself the truth.

Mercury opposite Eris (today)

Spend some time musing on what makes you personally, professionally and spiritually content.

Plot different routines in basic daily activity. Shake it up to make efficient and better changes.

Celebrate all the things you have done to ensure your soul has a perfect fit in your skin.

Sun conjunct Mars (7 October)

Ponder your perception of what’s fair... especially when it comes to your bottom line and how others may impact that psychic substrate.

Before leaping, look and consider which situations are battles, which are wars and which can be won.

Engage all situations with decorum, consideration and gentle firmness.

Mercury (retrograde) conjunct Sun (9 October)

When the urge to speak overwhelms, step back and examine what you want to say.

Sort out any potential trigger words, hashtag words and clearly translate your subtext.

Politely and with emphasis, say exactly what you mean to say.

Mercury in Libra, Jupiter in Aquarius turn direct (18 October)

Make a list of everything you need to do between now and when Jupiter enters Pisces (29 December).

State all objectives for the Jupiter in Aquarius era to all involved or affected and without apology.

Prioritize your plan, get on with it and allow for evolutionary spontaneity to impact the flow.

Mercury opposite Eris (1 November)

Do the same as today only with more insight, inclusiveness and better.

Mercury square Pluto (2 November)

Do the same as today only with more depth, truth and soulfulness.

While Mercury darts hither and yon and tangos with some of the more far-out of the dwarf planets, consider that these are “furthering” times. Insights need to come from deeper places to offset the psychic woes of the past five years or so... and certainly to apply salve to the Capricorn transit authority conglomerate of 2020. To navigate these straits with improved and evolving intent to further life and soulful objectives, look for the more profound, the more soulful, the closer to the core insights and inspirations, and within all this, find and apply the cosmic coping consciousness for these unprecedented times.

More soon.